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Effective 1/1/2023, the required beginning date is April 1 of the year after you turn age 73. You are required to take an RMD by December 31 each year after that. If you delay your first RMD until April 1 in the year after you turn 73, you will be required to take two RMDs in that year. You may be subject to additional taxes if RMDs are missed. Please see your tax advisor regarding your specific situation.
This calculator is provided by a third-party not affiliated with Merrill or any of its affiliates. It is provided for general educational purposes only. The analysis generated by the calculator is based on information you provide and a variety of assumptions, which may include assumptions and projections about inflation rates, and account growth. Such assumptions and projections, as well as the report generated on the basis of such assumptions and projections, in no way are intended to predict or guarantee future inflation rates and investment performance of your investment. The accuracy of the analysis is dependent on the accuracy of such assumptions and projections. On calculators which require you to select an anticipated investment return, consideration should be given to factors affecting your potential return such as investment objectives, risk tolerance, and the time horizon for the investment. You should enter figures that are appropriate to your individual situation. As a result your actual experience is likely to vary, in some cases significantly, from the potential results suggested by the analysis.
If you have other assets, income, and investments that are not included in this analysis, they will not factor into any of the analysis or results. In applying this information to your individual situation, you should consider all of your assets, income, and investments, including those that are not taken into account in this analysis.